Acne is an embarrassing and often painful skin condition that begins in adolescence, and for many Miami patients, continues into adulthood. For acne relief, many turn to over-the-counter creams and treatments that only treat the symptoms of this skin condition. At Barba Skin Clinic in Miami, we provide comprehensive acne treatments that are customized to the individual skin care needs of our patients.

During your acne treatment at Barba Skin Clinic in Miami, our expert estheticians will monitor your progress over an intensive 6-8 month period, during which we provide clinical facials and chemical peels to accelerate your results. We also provide a selection of custom-formulated and clinically proven acne treatment formulas to enhance and hydrate your skin between sessions.

Acne Treatment

During your first visit to our Clinic, we will take a complete medical history, which will include a detailed history of any previous medical or over-the-counter acne treatments. Based on your skin tolerance and medical history, we will develop a specialized acne treatment plan that works to both prevent new breakouts and erase scars and dark spots that are left behind. Along with specially-formulated chemical peels and clinical facials, our experts may recommend therapeutic laser treatment to target active acne.

The Barba Clinic Specialists will carefully monitor your progress, and see you on a monthly basis. During each session, our team of expert estheticians will be available to answer any questions you may have about your acne treatment.