Moles, medically known as Nevi, are pigmented skin growths that are usually brown but may vary in colour ranging from pink, light brown to blue or black. They either develop at birth or may develop during childhood until the age of 20. Moles are made of cells called melanocytes which are scattered throughout your skin. They are also the cells that produce melanin that gives us our skin colour. A mole is made of many melanocyte cells clustered together. While most people decided to live their moles, some others opt for permanent mole removal.

Treatment for Removing Moles Permanently:

At The Skin Clinic, we go ahead with the treatment if Dermascopy evaluates the mole as benign and safe for removal. We use one of the most effective state-of-the-art technology for mole treatment- UltraPulse Laser.    This laser removes moles using different wavelengths of light. With this mole removal treatment, moles photo-evaporate leaving a reddened area that fades away gradually, first to pink and then matching your skin colour. This effective and safe treatment for mole removal does not require any surgery or downtime.

FAQ's About Moles

I just noticed a new mole. What should I do?

A new mole should always be regarded as suspicious. Seek prompt consultation with a dermatologist so that a thorough history, examination and skin biopsy (if appropriate) can be performed.

Why is Mole Removal Beneficial?

Removal sometimes means removing cancerous or potentially-cancerous moles. However, removal is also a path to increased self-confidence, as moles can make a person feel self-conscious depending on their location.

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